SAXOPHONE GUY REMIX! Moldova Eurovision 2010

DOWNLOAD LINKS HERE! PLEASE STOP ASKING ABOUT THEM! Alright, so this guy was so awesome that i had to remove the rest and remix the crap out of him. And yes, i learned the dance and everything. This is looped AND remixed, i hope you guys enjoy the moves! MP3-Download links: Original Remix (This video): Fixed Remix: These are non-profit links for me, i am only doing this for you guys, so i hope you enjoy! Please tell me what you think of the fixed remix, I got to know if it’s crap or of it’s alright. 11/06 Edit: 50K views! Thank you guys! 21/06 Edit: Reached 100 000! Coolies! 03/08 Edit: 200 K nice guys! Reached the third bar for my birthday! ^^ Thank you! 10/09 Edit: 300K! You guys just keep surprising me! 06/10 Edit: 400K, what’s going on guys, i thought views would decrease over time? Thanks anyway! 16/11 Edit: 500K, goi
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