TRX Freestyle Friday | 11/9

15-Minute Full Body Cardio Challenge 👉 1st exercise in each group is 30 seconds, 2nd exercise in each group is 15 seconds 👉 3 rounds (try to complete all 9 sets of exercises without stopping) 1️⃣ TRX Push Ups ➡️ Straight Arm Plank 2️⃣ Medicine Ball Jump Squats ➡️ Squat 3️⃣ TRX Mountain Climbers ➡️ Bear Crawl Plank 4️⃣ TRX Suspended Lunges (Right Leg) ➡️ Lunge Hold 5️⃣ TRX Suspended Lunges (Left Leg) ➡️ Lunge Hold 6️⃣ Side Shuffles ➡️ Quick Feet 7️⃣ TRX Reverse Mountain Climbers ➡️ Reverse Mountain Climbers Hold 8️⃣ TRX Tricep Dips ➡️ Tricep Dip Hold 9️⃣ TRX Plank Crawls ➡️ Body Saws 👉 Take a 1 minute break & repeat 2 times!
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