Notice how the President of El Salvador highlighted how the MS-13 gang is a Satanic child-sacrificing cult just weeks before Jul

Notice how the President of El Salvador highlighted how the MS-13 gang is a Satanic child-sacrificing cult just weeks before Julian Assange gets set free. MS-13 likely performed the hit job on Seth Rich acting as the hand of the deep state for the Democrat party. In other words, does it not seem like things are coalescing here into a perfect truth storm? A lot of people should be panicking right about now. Assange knows where many bodies are buried and he was persecuted for years because of it. Things could be getting very spicy here soon. Protect Julian Assange at all costs! Is it a coincidence that he got the people talking about MS-13 right before Assange was set loose? Source: ULTRA Pepe Lives Matter ?
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