Extraverted Thinking (Te) Type by Jung | EEII | Jungian EXTJ ENTJ ESTJ | External difference
Credits to Carl Jung (Psychological Types) for the descriptions of Te. Example of Te type: Charles Darwin
Te types are natively judgers by nature due to having a thinking rational main frame (leading to a supervising/directive attitude) that sets the primary demands. As reflex most commonly Te types would get J in MBTI tests, although at times may score as borderline P/J for whatever reason... In rarer occasions such individuals may test or be tested to MBTI P when having a long aux. In third case to observers and tester the auxiliary is more noticeable than the dominant. However, if you ask the person, he/she will report that the dominant function (T) is the main life theme... and just doesn’t look that way when observed by others or in testing instruments.
Recommended free online test to help finding your jungian type:
Sharing some reflections of mine about the MBTI community and what’s overall wrong with it including the infamous Grant stack BS:
Te-Fi: action, fact vs responsibility, desirability
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When Te type individuals move to stage 4 of differentiation, the alternatives are:
Te-n [jungian ENTJ, Te-Ne-Si-Fi by Jung terms, 4T Chol, N aux guide, often SLE in socio]: “People from this type are very driven towards efficiency. Their ultimate goal and ambition is to be very efficient in their own lives, whatever that is about money, doing things, etc.. and for that they might be confident that they possess a strong focus, discipline, common sense and drive to get what they want, persisting at difficult or unpleasant situations for the sake of the efficiency. People from this type likes to involve others in what they are doing and direct activities, seeking to influence others and persuade them into buying ideas or things. People from this type might be overmaterialistic.“ (Vendrah, Typology Triad). Example of Jung Te-n: Donald Trump [ndr: he has ADHD], Kezia Noble and Emperor Palpatine/Darth Sidious (Star Wars).
Te-s [jungian ESTJ, Te-Se-Ni-Fi by Jung terms, 4T Chol-Melan, S aux guardian, often LSE in socio]: ·People from this type are usually ambitious types who have a drive for recognition, with a strong sense of direction in life. They normally like to speak out, involve others into what they are doing and direct activities. They seek to influence others and persuade others to buy projects or things. People from this type are social and ambitious. They usually run their lives on some sort of strict standards or procedure, usually having some sort of a specific way of life that is lived according to the goals, and this may make people from this type too single-minded and materialistic.“ (Vendrah, Typology Triad). Examples of Jung Te-s: Lindsay Johnson/LiJo (YouTuber) and Hayao Miyazaki.
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Fun fact... When most MBTI people refer to “Te“ they don’t talk about Jung Te. They’re usually talking about it’s manifestation of thinking in Jung thinking lead (Te/Ti type) with themes like goals, accuracy, strategy and efficacy. What they are describing is... a directive attitude. Individuals that like to have a system, with processes to be adopted, and duties to be fulfilled. Thinking lead want to maintain order and control, and this can include different kinds of things, other people (from small to big numbers), or just themselves. They like rules and instructions, plans and correctness, precision and efficacy.
“Sticking labels on people at first sight is nothing but a childish parlor game. My typology is... not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical. My typology is based exclusively on psychological premises which can hardly coincide with physiological or somatic qualities.” —C.G. Jung
Do you wanna learn Jung’s original work? Do yourself a favour - go read Psychological Types by Jung.
Keep in mind that motivations are enneagram territory [check Katherine Fauvre] and that agreeableness/disagreeableness is linked to heart attitude.
Also remember that socionics is NOT Jung’s original work. Socio is mostly enneagram based () plus it has different definitions from Jung including Kepinski info metabolism considerations added to the mix as I pointed here:
#personality #Te #carljung #ENTJ #ESTJ #mbti #howtotype
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(0:20) Te
(13:34) Extraverted Thinking Type
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