THE EMERALD TABLET is Signed, Sealed, and Delivered to us. Also the Sumerian text, (Sumerian cuneiform text is the very first written words recorded) it describes the Sphinx before the Egyptians. It describes, “he has teeth of a dragon, and face of an lion.“ The Emerald Tablet was discovered in the Pyramid, and it claimed ownership and he was the builder of the Great Pyramid. This was Thoth better known as Enoch. There were two tablets: ONE EMERALD, ONE GOLD The builder of the Great Pyramid was known by different names as the world was conscious of him: In Egypt he was known as Thoth In Greece he was known as Hermes In Rome he was known as Mercury To the Celtics he was known as Merlin The summerian text describes the Sphinx before the Egyptians. It describes, “he has teeth of a dragon, and face of an lion.“ The Emerald Tablet was discovered in the Pyramid, and it claimed ownership and he was the builder of the Great Pyramid. This was Thoth better known as Enoch. The Emerald Tablet focus on teaching secrets about the world and teaching alchemy, or how to transform substances into other, usually more valuable, substances. One of these alchemical teachings was how to make a Philosopher’s Stone, a legendary stone that could transform base materials into gold and grant eternal life.
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