Injuries reported in Gaza’s Indonesian hospital

The Palestinian interior ministry has reported “a number of injuries” among thousands of displaced people who are sheltering in the yards of the Indonesian hospital in northern Gaza. The vicinity of the hospital was attacked by Israeli fighter jets, the ministry said, specifically the Tal al-Zaatar area. Subscribe to our channel Follow us on Twitter Find us on Facebook Check our website: Check out our Instagram page: Download AJE Mobile App: #Palestine #Gaza #GazaAirRaids #GazaAirStrikes #GazaUnderAttack #GazaHumanitarianCrisis #Israel #IsraelHamasWar #GazaWar #IsraelWar #IsraelPalestineWar #IsraelHamasWar #IsraelGazaWar #GazaIndonesianHospital #GazaNasserHospital #GazaShifaHospital #GazaHospitals #GazaShortages #Hamas #GazaBombardment #GazaMinistryOfHealth #prayforgaza
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