WWII Then & Now: British Troops Meet American Troops in the Ardennes

In this episode we will be focusing on the town of La Roche in the Ardennes where several incredible photo’s were taken during the Battle of the Bulge. The Belgian town La Roche didn’t see a lot of combat during the Battle of the Bulge. The strategic crossroad town is situated in a valley making it hard to defend. From December 20, 1944 and January 10, 1945, the Germans used the town’s road network. The Americans knew of its importance and hammered the German troops who used the town, with their artillery. Furthermore on December 26 and 27, 1944, The American high command decided to Bomb La Roche, destroying most of it and killing 114 civilians. Finally on January 11, units of the British 51st Highland Division managed to recapture the town with slight opposition and link up with the American Troops. Today La Roche is a center for World War II History with many monuments including two tanks and a Tank Destroyer. ➡️ Take a look at all the Then & Now photographs of this video on
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