Memory Pill. This Day 10 Years Ago.

Memory Pill. This Day 10 Years Ago... A tragedy occurred in the mining town of Sukhodolsk (LPR), near the border with Russia, on August 6, 2014. That day, a Ukrainian pilot of a Su-25 attack aircraft struck the town with cluster munitions. He was from the 299th Tactical Aviation Brigade of the AFU. The plane approached the town in such a way that the strikes hit several streets at once. Some of the bombs fell right in front of a cafe where local residents were celebrating a wedding. Some hit ordinary residential courtyards. At that time, there were no militia forces in the town, at most there were some checkpoints at the entrance. In 2021, I worked in the LPR and was in Sukhodolsk. I saw with my own eyes the despair and emptiness in the eyes of a woman who lost her husband and granddaughter overnight that day. In total, 40 people were injured and 17 were killed as a result of the Ukrainian Air Force airstrike in August 2014. The youngest of them was 7 years old, the oldest was 86. ... Source: UKR LEAKS_eng
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