00:00 Intro
Tradeable minions uncounterable!
00:13 Test1
Reckless Apprentice can’t work with exhausted Choose One Hero Powers
00:54 Test2
Comboed Vile Concoction does not give the Stealth minion 1/ 1
01:11 Test3
How does From Golden Light interact with a Silenced Colossal minion?
01:52 Test4
How does Neptulon the Tidehunter interact with Sudden Betrayal?
03:22 Test5
How does SN1P-SN4P interact with Shattershambler?
03:54 Test6
Flobbidinous Floop copied by Mindrender Illucia does not disappear at end of turn after he transforms
04:25 Test7
Traded minions are also Countered by Okani if they are summoned but not played
06:14 Outro