Fancy breakfast plate丨花式早餐摆盘丨4K UHD丨小喜XiaoXi丨用家常紫薯和土豆,挑战花式早餐ਇ

With the most common purple potato, what kind of fancy breakfast can you make? Green leaves made of mustard, petals made of potatoes, a bite that almost sent me up to the sky ingredients magic, what do you have any amazing creative plate design ?comment and show with each other~ 用最常见的食材,能变出什么花样来呢? 芥末叶配着紫色花瓣 味道在口中绽放 来上一口差点把我送走 食材变魔术,充满设计的制作手法 你们有什么让人惊艳创意的菜式 ,让家常菜一下变成三星米其林 来,
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