Roosevelt tours war material production plants (1942)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit American President Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Mrs. Roosevelt visit California factories producing ships, tanks, and? Full Description: UNITED STATES: California: EXT FACTORIES. Pres. Roosevelt makes a tour of Production in U.S.. sees building of giant Consolidated Bremerton Navy Ford plane building plant, Michigan w. Henry Chrysler Tank Arsenal Detroit..’plane roars over Roosevelt’s car & at Kaiser shipyard w. Henry J. Elliot FACTORIES. Roosevelt’s ranch w. Mrs. R: & younger generation FORD, Henry W. Pres. Roosevelt at Tank ’plane factory, Michigan GARNER, Vice pres. of U.S. Visited by Pres: Roosevelt in Texas KAISER, Henry J. W. Pres: Roosevelt at shipyard ROOSEVELT, President. Makes tour of San Diego sees building of Bremerton Navy cap
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