You made it through Monday! 👏 Reward yourself with music in the galleries on this week’s CQ Minute.⁣

Today @catalystquartet—our @metlivearts 2022–23 Quartet in Residence—performs the music of Jessie Montgomery (@jessiemontgomerymusic) in The Met’s Greek and Roman galleries, writing:⁣ ⁣ “Jessie’s miniature ‘Build’ is a great example of how composers take small bits and pieces and expand them until they burst. Fun Fact: Jessie is a former Catalyst Quartet member and although she no longer plays with us, she is still very much a part of our CQ family!”⁣ ⁣ What’s #CQMinute? In commemoration of their 10th anniversary, Catalyst Quartet has commissioned a series of miniature string quartets from 11 composers, ranging from Pulitzer winners to jazz legends to indie-pop stars—all performed in the Museum’s galleries and released right here on The Met’s Instagram. Stay tuned for more. Subscribe for new content from The Met: #TheMet #Art #TheMetropolitanMuseumofArt #Museum © 2023 The Metropolitan Museum of Art
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