Ojos Brujos (Les Yeux Sorciers) - Leo Brouwer | Pau Mascort

This is ’Ojos Brujos’ (Les Yeux Sorciers), a Cuban folk song harmonised and transcribed for classical guitar by Leo Brouwer. Brouwer is considered one of the most relevant contemporary guitar composers. His writing technique, unknown by then, was totally revolutionary for the instrument. He puts forward an atypical sonority, sometimes dissonant and demanding for the listeners but at the same time very interesting with plenty of nuances. Thanks for watching and I encourage you to subscribe to my channel if you like the content! Pau ____________________ ’Ojos Brujos’ (Les Yeux Sorciers) neix d’una cançó popular cubana que Leo Brouwer va harmonitzar i arranjar per a guitarra clàssica. Brouwer és considerat una de les figures més importants quan parlem de la guitarra contemporània perquè la seva escriptura desconeguda fins aleshores va revolucionar el món d’aquest instrument. Ell proposa una sonoritat d
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