♡ walking | playing Wuthering Waves on iPad #12 | ~80 min of gameplay ambience ♥︎
~ playing *Wuthering Waves* at the Twelfth time ~
☆ *Timecode* ☆
0:00 - start
0:23 - first trial
2:29 - sol3 phase ascension: phase I
- 6:31 - phase ascension: I
11:13 - walking
- 15:44 - tacet field
- 19:04 - team boost
26:44 - phase ascension: I
31:35 - stone pile plain
34:19 - synthesizer
37:38 - walking
- 50:17 - encryption block: II
- 59:13 - tacet field
1:05:07 - wooly counting game
1:07:33 - walking
1:17:35 - thawborn renewal
- 1:18:37 - 2nd try
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