Saurophaganax - Largest Jurassic Theropod Dinosaur?

Dr. BC of Fossil Crates talks about Saurophaganax! What makes it separate from Allosaurus? (Parasagittal lamina, we include a pic!) and chevrons (also figured), plus a femur (yet again figured!). Check out its size vs other giant theropods. A comparison to Torvosaurus (the blog on goes into *much* greater detail on this) is included. A great video on arguably the longest, and possibly heaviest, Morrison Formation theropod dinosaur! 00:00 Introduction 01:05 Saurophaganax History 01:57 Why size is a bad character to use 02:16 A character is discovered! 02:56 A second character 03:45 Saurophaganax problems 04:53 Torvosaurus vs Saurophaganax 05:43 A third character? 06:10 2% - Not just for milk! 07:19 Saurophaganax vs Allosaurus claw 07:29 Saurophaganax vs Torvosaurus claw 07:39 Saurophaganax vs new megaraptorid claw 07:56 Saurophaganax vs Tyrannosaurus rex claw 08:06 How big was Saurophaganax? 09:04 Signing off with a historical note #dinosaur #dinosaurs #paleontology #saurophaganax
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