Arduino obstacle avoiding + voice control + Bluetooth control Robot | DIY Arduino Robot

Hello guys, In this tutorial, we will learn how to make a multi-functional robot using the Arduino platform. That is, this includes obstacle avoiding, Bluetooth control, and voice control functions. OK enjoy it now. Short and sweet tutorial. Only from SriTu tech. If you think this video is good, don’t forget to like and comment. Arduino obstacle avoiding voice control Bluetooth control Robot | DIY Arduino Robot Arduino obstacle avoiding voice control Bluetooth control Robot 00:32 Presentation of components 01:47 Attaching the gear motor 02:17 Attaching the Arduino board and motor driver shield 03:15 Connecting the motors 03:45 Attaching the servo motor and ultrasonic sensor 04:55 Connecting the Bluetooth module 05:40 Connecting the battery holder 06:15 Obstacle avoiding 08:50 Bluetooth control 10:27 Voice control ***Names of components. ***step by step. ***With code. Bluetooth control remote
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