Rick DiClemente. 1975. 16 mm Film.
Chairmaker follows 80-year-old Dewey Thompson from Sugarloaf Hollow, Kentucky, as a rough-hewn rocking chair takes form under his experienced hands and well-worn knife. But this “how-to” film is as much about how to live as it is about how to make a chair: Thompson’s philosophy and insights into his character are gently interwoven with the depiction of his work. For the student of folk culture, the film provides a rare opportunity to see a folk artist creating his craft in the context of his everyday life, and for the student of history, Chairmaker offers a
... glimpse into the past, when Thompson’s skills and values were once widespread in rural America.
“A tour de force … Anyone of any age wanting to stay young should see this relaxed film. Dewey’s is the kind of individual enterprise that makes a man along with a chair.”— Film News
“The tone and pace of the film match the personality of Dewey Thompson and the rhythm of his work–unhurried, uncluttered, understated ... Chairmaker is a fine demonstration of folk craft and a warm portrait of an Appalachian highlander.”
— Journal of American Folklore“
“In an amazing demonstration that begins with the chopping down of one tree and ends in a beautifully crafted rocking chair, Thompson shows off his skills while carrying on a casual and thoroughly winning conversation with the camera. A delightful visit.”— The Louisville Courier-Journal
All films in the Appalshop collection are protected under Title 17 of the United States Copyright Law. The unauthorized distribution or public performance of copyrighted works constitutes copyright infringement under the Copyright Act, Title 17 U.S Code Section 106(3)-(4). This conduct may also violate the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works and The Universal Copyright Convention, as well as bilateral treaties with other countries that allow for protection of Rights Holder copyrighted works even beyond US borders. To receive rights for public performance of our works, including educational or institutional licensing, please contact Appalshop Sales to complete the purchase at 606-633-0108 or sales@.
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