1980s Marilyn Monroe Impersonator, Hollywood, Los Angeles, 35mm

1980s Marilyn Monroe Impersonator, Hollywood, Los Angeles 35mm from the Kinolibrary Archive Film Collections. Clip ref XR135.1 available in 4K. For commercial projects only. To order the clip clean and high res, or to find out more about our various archive collections, visit . Discover our brilliant range of archive footage here: Marilyn Monroe impersonator stood on a street in a red and white striped dress. ’Marilyn’ to her posing for camera. ’Marilyn’ walking down the street, posing for crowd and camera. Marilyn impersonator posing for camera on street. ’Marilyn’ blowing a kiss to the camera. Find more archive footage of Los Angeles 1980s here: Impersonators, Impressionists, Impersonating, Marilyn Monroe, Marilyn Monroe Impersonator, celebrity, celebrities, celebs, celebrity impersonators, photoshoot, photographers, Ron Smith, Celebrity Look-Alikes
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