UE4/UE5 Procedural Turn in Place

Get it at the UE5 marketplace: Update of an upcoming marketplace asset that procedurally generates Turn in Place motions for any UE4/UE5 character in any idle pose for any required rotation angle, using either 2 or 3 steps. Small angles can be traversed in 2 steps while big angles (for example 110° ) require 3 to ensure proper positioning and no collisions. It uses a single ControlRig node (which is extremely cheap in performance) and an Actor Component to calculate feet positions. It can be configured to define step duration and height as a function of the distance travelled and the actor height. As seen in the video, the giant UE4 mannequin turns slowly while other actors turn faster. The video also shows other animations such as crouching and bow aiming which also look very natural while rotating. This system can be implemented in very few minutes by just copying and pasting the Control Rig node, a couple functions, and adding the TurnInPlace component into the Character Blueprint (which can be either Player Controlled or NPC). All functions are coded in blueprint and easy to read but thoroughly optimized to ensure no performance impact (i.e. Animation Blueprints all use thread-safe property access nodes, etc.) This asset will be submitted to the marketplace by Jan 4th and hopefully be live by February 2023. It will be released along PDF documentation and a integration tutorials. Thank you!
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