VCS3 Putney Sonata #5 by Stomachlining

This is a VCS3 solo, processed by a resonator. The resonating overtones are entered by a midi keyboard. The VCS3 oscillators slide past the chosen overtones producing a violin sound. The Putney’s oscillators are controlling each other’s frequencies, as osc.3 sends osc.1&2 sliding up & down in opposite directions (thanks to splitting osc3’s CV out to the oscilloscope & back in again as an inverted voltage) & everything is ruled by the joystick.. all live... all VCS3 (the background video, & the midi keyboard are not contributing to the audio). In a hurry, just try some ear cookies @0:26, @1:19, @2:08, @3:04, @3:19, @4:04, @5:32, @5:45
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