Old Crocks run to Brighton (1929)

GAUMONT GRAPHIC NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Forty-five old cars, ’crocks’, race to Brighton Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION: Undismayed, 45 ancient ’crock,’ none of them under 25 years old, race valiantly from London to the coast! ENGLAND: London: EXT Old vehicles race to Brighton Video Roll Title: Motor Show at Olympia: ’Old Crocks’ run to Brighton: 129ft (GR 15411) Old folks run to Brighton. Plus motor show Olympics. cars, autos, automobiles, shows, racers, vehicle, racing Background: Forty-five old cars, ’crocks’, race to Brighton FILM ID: VLVACLDM2YSYVXK03BVTN86GBJ92M To license this film, visit Archive: Reuters Archive managed by: British Pathé
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