Total Delt Definition Routine | Larry Edwards

MusclePharm-sponsored athlete Larry Edwards takes you on a wild ride through seven shoulder exercises that’ll work your delts with low weights and lots of reps. Get ’er done fast with this intense workout. ► Get the Full Sets & Reps for this Workout: ► Shop MusclePharm Supplements: ► All Access 7-Day Free Trial: ► Subscribe: If you’ve ever injured a shoulder, you quickly learn how important they are to your day-to-day activities. They are not a muscle group to be overlooked. Enter Larry Edwards, a MusclePharm-sponsored athlete. In this video, he takes you through a whirlwind session that works all three heads of the deltoids. Be forewarned: This is a fast-paced workout filled with lots of reps and high intensity. Speaking of intensity, Edwards is a big fan of doing dropsets for shoulders. Dropsets are a technique where you take an exercise to failur
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