KILLER SHOULDER WORKOUT - Superset Session - by Ross Dickerson

Best Shoulder Workout by the most shredded Ross Dickerson. 1.) Seated shoulder press & dumbbell lateral raises Sets: 4 Supersets Reps: 8-10 & 10-12 2.) Upright row & plated front raise Sets: 4 Supersets Reps: 8-10 & 10-12 3.) Seated dumbbell Arnold press Sets: 3 Reps: 10-12 4.) Seated dumbbell lateral raises Sets: 3 Reps: 10-12 5.) Shruggs with rest pause Sets: 5 Reps: 10-12 Die ShapeYOU Angebote für Dich: OnlineShop: Clothing: Neuheiten: TEAM ShapeYOU Mitglieder empfehlen: Top 8 der beliebtesten Supps Europas: TOP 8 Trainingsbooster: At you can find free workout plans and many great videos made by the pros -- stars like Steve Cook, Jeff Seid, Tim Budesheim and Kai
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