Pan-fried potato gnocchi with crispy sage and browned butter
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1 large floury potato, about 1 lb (.5 kg), I used a russet
1 egg yolk (you can use the whole egg if you’re doubling the recipe)
3/4-1 cup (90-120g) all-purpose flour
pecorino or parmesan cheese for grating
1 bunch of fresh sage
butter (I used almost half a stick, 50g)
Stab the potato a few times to create steam vents and bake or microwave the potato until soft. Cut it open and let it cool until you can go in with your fingers and pull out all the fluffy flesh, leaving behind the skin and any leathery bits that won’t mash smooth. Smush the potato up with a fork (or a ricer, if you have one), and make a little well
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