GCHQ The Art of Deception training

A slide deck from the United Kingdom’s Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ), the main SIGINT agency of the UK government, which was leaked in 2014. It was part of the data that Edward Snowden took from the NSA in 2013. It was the presentation of a secret training program for deception operations in the cyber space. The program was developed by the Human Science Operations Cell (HSOC) under the Joint Threat Research Intelligence Group (JTRIG) and was in its very early stages (2012-2013). The training program was named Online Covert Action Accreditation (OCAA) and this is a presentation of that slide deck. 00:00 - Opening 00:10 - Introduction 01:09 - History 02:08 - Presentation start 06:49 - Online Covert Action Accreditation (OCAA) 18:05 - Strand 1: Core module - deception history and psychology 29:25 - Strand 2: Influence and Information Operations 34:50 - Strand 3: Online HUMINT 39:22 - Strand 4: Disruption and Computer Network Attack 41:43 - Presentation end 42:43 - Conclusion 43:23 - Closing R
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