Ridgway Takes Over (1952)

Paris, France. GV. Lt. General Matthew B. Ridgway and Mrs. Ridgway stepping down from plane at Orly airfield Paris (super title 7’). SV. General and Mrs. Ridgway stepping down from plane and being greeted by French defence minister, Rene Pleven. LV. Guard of Honour. SV. General Dwight D. Eisenhower (Ike) shaking hands with General Ridgway and then Ridgway shakes hands with Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery (Commander in Chief of Western Union Land Forces). STV. Crowd and cameramen. SV. Eisenhower and Monty walking forward. Monty holding Ridgway’s small son’s hand. . General Ridgway (who is to become Commander-in-Chief of Atlantic Pact Forces - NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organisation) walking with Pleven past Guard of Honour. LV. Crowds and cameramen, pan to Gen. Ridgway at mike. SV. Ridgway speaking. NATURAL SOUND: “There comes to me now a privilege of great service, far greater than any before, a privilege to follow along the road which the North Atlantic Treaty nations have
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