SMD Distortion Detector DD-1 Vs Oscilloscope - 2% Distortion @ 1khz

Visit *** The SMD Distortion Detector DD-1 - The ULTIMATE gain setting device for car audio amplifiers. Our product detects distortion down to 1%. Why is it better then the traditional Oscilloscope (for gain setting)? Because we are looking for distortion, not [just] clipping. If you used an O-scope to set your gains, chances are you already have experience and know what you are doing. Chances also are, unfortunately, that you set the gain with what you THOUGHT was a clean signal. The signal shown by the O-scope might look great, but is it DISTORTION free? This video shows a sine wave @ 1khz at 2% distortion. The sine wave looks like its good, NO clipping! But clearly, there is distortion in the signal. The DD-1 picks it up very quickly. Why? Because it does not detect clipping, it detects distortion. Try it yourself! Click here for the track (1khz @ 2% thd) Order yours today and set your gains like a PRO!
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