Glute Bridge Exercise - 16 Variations

Here are 16 great variations for the glute bridge exercise The Glute Bridge is one of the best movements to stretch your hips, activate your glutes and give you a stronger, sexier butt all while also helping to prevent and alleviate low back pain. Basically whatever your goals are, you need to include a bridge variation in your leg workouts because these moves do the opposite of what your body does all day seated at a desk hunched over a computer. If your glutes aren’t activated, which they often aren’t if you have a desk job, you risk injury and you also won’t end up working one of the biggest muscle groups in your body when you perform the big lifts in your leg workouts. Want to get stronger? Leaner? Then you need to work the big muscles of your body, especially the muscles of your legs and glutes! The 20 Glute Bridge Variations below can be used as part of your warm up or as exercises to include in your workout. Some moves, like the Barbell Hip Thruster or Weighted Glute Bridge, can even be the big lifts you focus on for your workout. If you want to get your glutes activated and strong, you need to include a few of these bridging exercises in your workout routine! 1. Basic Glute Bridge (0:10) 2. Glute Bridge With Rock (0:20) 3. Glute Bridge with March (0:29) Bridge (0:41) 5. Glute Bridge With Alternating Overhead Reach (0:52) 6. Mini Band Glute Bridge (1:05) 7. Wide Stance Glute Bridge (1:18) 8. Narrow Stance Glute Bridge (1:30) 9. More Hamstring Bridge (1:39) 10. Straighter Leg Bridge (1:52) 11. Glute Bridge With Squeeze (2:02) 12. Glute Bridge Hold With Leg Lift (2:18) 13. Cross Leg Single Leg Glute Bridge (2:37) 14. Feet Raised Glute Bridge (2:54) 15. Glute Bridge Pulses (3:08) 16. Glute Bridge Cherry Bombs (3:19)
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