95.7% Faster I Rewrote My First Next/React App

Remember Roundest? My First Video? My dumb Pokemon app? It ran terribly and I wanted to fix it. It is Fast ;) FILMED LIVE ON TWITCH OG video: Previously we used: - Prisma - tRPC - NextJS - Tailwind - React - Planetscale - - Vercel Serverless Functions - This time we used: - Astro - - Tailwind - Preact - Planetscale DatabaseJS - Vercel Edge Functions - The result is way, way faster. The tech isn’t the most important part though, please take my advice throughout this video seriously. HU ... #Theo #web_development #full_stack #typescript #javascript #react #programming #programmer #theo #t3_stack 20220927 vP3QVrveSvI
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