The wonderful world of whales and dolphins. Below the waves lies a world of giants. Out in the open ocean, whales and dolphins are well-suited for to a life of wandering, traversing thousands of miles each year in search of krill blooms or breeding grounds. Together, these colossal mammals belong to the infraorder cetaceans. A name with roots in Greek, from ketos, meaning ‘a large sea creature’. But despite their size, cetaceans are elusive creatures, spending most of their lives underwater and in remote areas far out to sea. Let’s shine a light on the wonderful world of these marine mammals.
00:00 - An Introduction to Cetaceans
01:11 - The Diversity of Cetaceans
01:50 - The Structure of Whales and Dolphins
02:47 - The Two Cetacean Superfamilies
03:01 - Mysticeti: How Baleen Whales Hunt
03:34 - The Colossal Blue Whale
03:58 - Rorqual Whales Explained
04:20 - Seasonal Whale Migrations
04:55 - Odontoceti: The Toothed Whales
05:14 - The Acrobatic Spinner Dolphin
05:42 - Hunting: Strand Feeding in Dolphins