Tkemali - Georgian Plum Sauce

Tkemali is a Georgian sauce primarily made of Tkemali plum, sometimes Alucha or other varieties of plum. That is a great healthier alternative to ketchup or cranberry sauce. You can make tkemali at home from scratch from any plums that you have on hand! How to Make Tkemali 3 kg plums 100 ml water ( I use very small amount of water, to make my sauce thicker ) 8-10 large cloves garlic minced 4 tsp adjika or 1-2 red chili pepper finely chopped 100 gr chopped fresh cilantro or dill ( also you can use both of them, its up to you ) 5 tsp ground coriander 3 tsp ucxo suneli( georgian) 4 tsp salt When sause is ready pour into hot and dry jars. Cover with 1-2 teaspoons of olive oil to preserve. Seal and store in the fridge or in a cool place for at least 2-3 months. Enjoy!
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