Amargor - Amargs camins, Alliberant (full ep, 2020)

New from Spain’s Amargor, and released in unholy union with Forgotten Sorcery and Wulfhere! Amargs camins, Alliberant is a new EP of raw, decrepit, sepulchral gnarliness, curdled noise and harrowing atmosphere. dungeon punk darkness at its finest. Available on CD, in special dvd-case edition from Wulfhere and limited edition cassette with poster from Forgotten Sorcery: Band: Amargor Album: Amargs camins, Alliberant Year: 2020 Label: Forgotten Sorcery Productions / Wulfhere Productions Country: Spain Genre: Raw Depressive Black Metal Join the cult: Order ov the Black Arts: Album: T...racklist: 1. Amargs Camins 00:00 2. Fènix Contra Àliga 01:29 3. Renascuts Entre Les Flames 04:41 4. Pas Que Oblidem 07:26 5. Intransigents 09:14 6. Cor Negre Sutge – Alliberant 11:00 Support the artist – visit their pages, buy their work! - Amargor - Bandcamp: Metal Archives: - Forgotten Sorcery Productions - Bandcamp: Metal Archives: - Wulfhere Productions - Bandcamp: Facebook: Metal Archives: Uploaded on behalf of Amargor, with thanks. Order ‘Idol Hands’ logo by Rob Obscure ‘Medieval Raw’ thumbnail logo by Kavindra Kryptorgeist Caselli @ Thaumaturge Artworks Website: Facebook: Order apparel and totems available at our Teespring store: Twitter Spotify: Instagram
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