Wushu stances long fist – wushu chang quan - base techniques

Main wushu chang quan stances: bow stance gongbu, 弓步:弓出腿屈膝半蹲,大腿成水平;另一腿挺膝蹬直,脚跟不得离地。Gongbu (bow stance) abbrev. GB Bend the front leg at knee, with thigh held horizontal, while the rear leg is straightened , both soles flat on floor. horse stance mabu, empty stance Xubu XB, 虚步:屈蹲腿大腿成水平,脚跟不得离地,另一腿脚尖点地。Xubu (empty stance) abbrev. XB Bend one leg at knee, with thigh held horizontal and heel on floor, while toes of the other leg are pointed on floor. squatting stance, 仆步:全蹲腿大腿接近脚跟,另一腿接近地面仆直,两脚脚跟不得离地 crouch stance abbrev. PB Bend the rear leg into a full squat, with buttocks close to its heel, while the front leg is stretched out close to floor, both heels flat on it. resting stance, splitting stance, cross-legged sitting, t-step Subscribe for Wushu Vision - Wushu Federation of Odessa Region You are watching video Wushu long fist Stances – wushu chang quan wushu stances base techniques Wushu is a martial art and a full-contact sport. It was developed in China after 1949, in an effort to standardize the practice of traditional Chinese martial arts, although attempts to structure the various decentralized martial arts traditions date back earlier, when the Central Guoshu Institute was established at Nanking in 1928. “Wushu“ is the Chinese term for “martial arts“ (武 “Wu“ = military or martial, 术 “Shu“ = art). In contemporary times, Wushu has become an international sport through the International Wushu Federation (IWUF), which holds the World Wushu Championships every two years; the first World Championships were held in 1991 in Beijing and won by Yuan Wen Qing. - (sport)
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