In this video I’ll be building the enclosure around the machine. I have used 3030 aluminium extrusion to construct the frame and 4mm polycarbonate for the doors and front panel. I used a cheaper (but arguably less safe) material for the sides where people are much less likely to be stood if a cutter tries to escape!
I also make some rail extensions and install bellows on the X and Y axes, as well as begin to mount the spindle clamp to Z axis.
In the next episode i’ll be mounting and wiring up the Chinese 3KW ER20 spindle!
DIY CNC Milling machine build.
...My objective for this project is to design and build a CNC milling machine without the need for any machining of the parts. Ordinarily, building a mill requires a much bigger mill to get the axis surfaces flat and parallel.
By using aluminium tool plate (which is in theory pre-machined flat) and bolting the critical components rather than welding, it should be possible to avoid any machine work. After all, I’m buildinShow more