Συρία 16 1 2019 Ρώσσοι προειδοποιούν για χημική επίθεση ισλαμιστών με δρόνους

SYRIAN WAR REPORT – JAN. 16, 2019: CHEMICAL ATTACK PREPARATIONS IN IDLIB DE-ESCALATION ZONE Militants are preparing a new chemical attack in the Ma’aret al-Nu’man area in the province of Idlib, the Interfax news agency reported on January 15 citing an informed source. According to the source, militants store toxic chemicals in several warehouses across Idlib province and the far northern part of Lattakia province. The source stressed that Ajnad al-Caucasus, Jaish al-Izza and the Turkistan Islamic Party, all of which are linked to Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, are preparing for a series of synchronized chemical attacks in the provinces of Lattakia, Idlib, Aleppo and Hama. According to the report, militants will use use shells and mortar mines as well as drones loaded with toxic materials. The same report said that militants have shipped 500 liters of chemicals to the Idlib de-escalation zone.
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