Pathetone Parade of 1941 - Reel 4.
Compere / comedian Ronald Frankau stands at the bar and gives us a lively introduction to someone he can’t remember the name of! He eventually remembers it’s Jack Jackson of the Mayfair and Dorchester Hotels. C/U of Jack Jackson, telling us he’s going to give us some lessons in conducting an orchestra. He gives us some humorous pointers, then the band starts to play an overture. They won’t let Jack give us any more of the lesson as they keep playing sections of the piece. Jack gives up in the end and they play a brief but fast tune. Music could be ’You
...’ve Got To Make Those People Sway’ or ’Parade of the Toys’. (This is missing item from PT 428.)
Frankau reappears and introduces Jeanne de Casalis. We see the comedienne in the character of Mrs Feather sitting at a table in the studio, wearing a fabulous feather-sleeved gown. She speaks on the phone to her butcher and asks for something special for her husband who has been feeling ’seedy’ and “on the nerve of a vShow more