Blender 2.8 Beginner Tutorial - Part 2: Interface & Navigation

In part 2 of the Blender 2.8 beginner tutorial series, we will have a look the user interface and navigation of Blender, and I’ll show you how I found the idea for the 3d scene we will create. ⇨ Blender 2.8 Hotkey PDF and Project Files (email required): ⇨ Blender 2.8 Launch Pad course: PLAYLIST CHAPTERS 00:00 - Introduction 00:44 - Download Blender & my computer specs 01:58 - Default User Interface 06:00 - Workspaces 07:10 - Adjust the user interface 09:41 - Headers 10:38 - Toolshelf and Sidebar 12:49 - Modes 13:29 - Viewport Shading 16:26 - Navigation 18:35 - Emulate numpad and 3 button mouse (for notebook users) 20:26 - Finding the 3d scene idea 24:31 - Tip for better learning 25:11 - Outro RESOURCES ⇨ Download Blender: ⇨ Download the latest build of Blender: ⇨ Pinterest: https:
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