Baddha Konasana | Wide Angle Pose | Butterfly Pose

Baddha Konasana, or what is commonly known in yoga as Butterfly Pose, can feel like a lotus flower, opening in the mud. When the engagements in the pelvis are just right, udana vayu stands up, and the spine rises like a stamen, reaching from the sacrum up into the sky. At the base of the pelvis, there is an effusion of sensation, whose lines run into and out of the pelvic floor. The knees reach out and fall back toward the earth, like floral petals curling back to reveal what lies within. And there you are, seated on the pericarp, your tailbone sinking down, holding this mandala of sensation... for the silent witness to adore, making this humble offering with the precious material of your breathing body. You stay here, holding your flower at the root while breathing sweetly into the form, into all the painful memories that may be carried on the currents of its intoxicating fragrance. And when the moment is ripe, and you are ready to you consummate the offering, you begin to dive down, like a butterfly diving for floral nectar. Practice with me online: Or in three dimensional space: video @sigis-mondi ​
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