10-Step GUIDE: Blend Images and Create Composites with Photoshop

Learn how to create composite images and explore photo manipulation in Photoshop by using these 10 steps that will get you on track creating great composites of your own! We will cover lighting, color, shadows, perspective, and much, much more in this Photoshop tutorial. Astronaut: City: Red Rock Desert: Rusting Car: ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 🔥 ↓ VIDEO GUIDE ↓ 🔥 00:00 Intro 01:13 I Find Similar Images 03:10 II Extract the Object 05:35 III Direction of Light 07:26 IV Perspective 14:09 V Light and Contrast 17:01 VI Saturation Adjustments 20:46 VII Matchi
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