Glute Ham Raise for reps!

GHR Monday!! This is the first time I am able to perform it without hands! Yeyyy! It’s a great exercise for the posterior chain for many reasons: - For hypertrophy, GHRs are superior to traditional leg curls because they work more muscles and put greater emphasis on the eccentric component of the knee flexion. - From an injury prevention standpoint, they’re great for preventing hamstring strains and ACL injuries. - For performance enhancement, strength coaches have long used the GHR to improve sprinting speed and jumping capability. Many of the world’s best powerlifters regularly include the GHR as a staple in their programming due to its strong carryover to the squat and deadlift. - It puts relatively little stress on the lower back since there are minimal shearing forces involved. It can also be used as a great accessory exercise for people who squat and deadlift regularly. But it’s so fuckin HARD! Don’t try this at home if you'
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