Full LEG DAY Workout! (Quads, Hams, Calves)

Alright here is my full leg day workout that I did today, this was not at my apartment gym because they don’t have some of the machines that I like, but I started heavy with some barbell squats in the 6-8 rep range, I did do some dynamic stretching and a pyramid warmup leading up to this, then I did some low narrow leg press, it looks like my heels are way off the plate but I think it’s just the angle and my shoes, plus my ankle mobility is absolutely terrible and my squat shoes are too tight so I had to switch to these because my feet just got too fat on the bulk, but anyway that was in the 12-15 rep range and so were these leg extensions, and you’re probably thinking damn that’s a lot of quads, but my quads can actually handle a good amount of volume. After that I did some lying leg curls to train the hamstring in shortened position really focusing on driving my hips into the bench so my hamstrings can fully contract and my lower back doesn’t shoot up, and then I did some seated hamstring curls to train the
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