Specific exercise improve symptoms, daily full-body exercises remove root causes.
Qigong Dragon Style
1. Cleanse your liver of toxins and improve liver health.
2. Improve heart circulation and prevent heart disease.
36 times each side
The meridians of the heart and lungs are on the inside of the arms and the anterior chest, and the meridians of the liver, spleen and kidneys are on the inside of the legs and the abdomen and the anterior chest.
This exercise can be stretched to the inside of the arms, chest, abdomen and the inside of the legs, which means it can be stretched to five internal organs.
From the experience of actual practice, the effect on the heart and liver is better, can clean up the blockage and garbage, and help the meridians run smoothly and function normally.
Long-term practice has a good help to mood, reduce the production and accumulation of bad emotions, better sleep quality and digestion and absorption.
The body is an intelligent system, we must learn to use it properly, if you do not have time, recommend daily full-body exercises, this is the easiest and most effective way.
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